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Kilim (old) 410x158 cm

Kilim (old) 410x158 cm



Regular price 7 500 SEK
Regular price 12 900 SEK Sale price 7 500 SEK
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Manufacturing district: Azerbaijan, Iran
Material: Wool with cotton warp

Kilim are hand-woven carpets in wool with cotton or woolen warp. You can most closely compare the Kelim carpet with a Swedish rolled sheet.
The technique of weaving carpets is ancient, several thousand years old. Kilim rugs are made of tightly knotted threads that are woven with the warp to create a flat, pile-free surface. Most Kelim rugs are knotted so that the warp is hidden under the threads. The threads used in the patterns and coloring of the rugs are almost always wool while the warp can be either wool or cotton.
In many carpets there are color shifts in the pattern fields. This is because the nomads did not have the opportunity to dye all their wool in one dye bath, but had to dye in several batches. The wool then gets color changes that are visible when the carpet is finished. This is called abrash.
Kilim rugs are made by nomadic tribes throughout the Orient and the most famous Kilim rugs come from Turkey (Anatol area) and southern Iran (Ghasqai area) as well as some from Moldavia.
Each rug is unique and part of the nomads' culture and way of life. The rugs tell of their dreams and how they were inspired by their surroundings. The price of a Kilim rug is affected by, among other things, quality, condition and age.
Kilim Patchwork. Made from older and antique rugs, sacks, fabrics that are washed, ironed and sewn together into rugs with a more modern feel. These rugs originate mainly from southern Iran, but there are also Turkish varieties on the market.

When buying carpets from Mattkompaniet, you get a guarantee of authenticity, right of exchange.

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